Keeping the temple healthy and in balance.
Ear coning is a safe, effective and painless treatment to clear & balance and assist with other conditions relating to the ear.
What exactly is Ear Coning and what does it do?
Ear coning or ear candling is an ancient technique, the roots of which are said to be found in the Egyptian and Chinese cultures. In fact as far as we know, almost all of the ancient cultures and its indigenous people used something to akin to ear coning cleansing, healing and purification. The Hopi and Cherokee American Indians and the Spaniards in South America are said to still use coning in their healing work today.
In the time that I have been using this technique on my clients. I’ve been amazed by the diverse numbers of people who suffer from some level of hearing loss, ear infection, wax build-up, Candida/yeast, sinus and mucus congestion, ringing, clicking, itching or popping in their ears. It is also apparent that other than paying a visit to the doctor to have our ears syringed or flushed which can be painful and invasive, there are almost no other alternative for restoring our hearing and toning our senses. unlike our teeth, our vitally important ears get overlooked and neglected, relying almost exclusively simple, but not so effective Q tips are used for a most complex and intricate part of our body system. The good news is a possible alternative in the care of our ears.
What are ear cones and how are they used?
Cones used by today’s practitioners are made of strips of unbleached 100% cotton dipped in paraffin or beeswax, (I use the nontoxic natural beeswax) and spiraled around a tapered form. They vary in length and thickness. Some cones have herbs. I use Sage, Echinacea and Goldenseal added to the beeswax to assist in the detoxifying process. In an ear coning session the tip of the cone in inserted, gently placed at entry of the ear, the opposite end is lit and the heat from the cone creates a vacuum-pulling effect which draws on debris and toxins. These may have built up over time and may have become impacted within the ear.
The ear canal, which is connected to the sinuses and throat, is vulnerable to accumulation of many different substances, all of which subtly affect our energy and therefore out overall sense of wellbeing. Laboratory analysis has shown residues that have been removed consist of excess earwax including residuals of past infections, fungus, bacteria, yeast/Candida, parasites, hair, sand and other environmental debris. Sound waves traveling through the air into the ear pass over thousands of little hair receptors that transmit messages to the brain. If the ears are clogged with excess debris and toxins this natural flow will be disturbed, obstructed and slowed down. Since these unwanted substances have trouble sometimes exiting the body on their own, and the warm, dark, moist environment is the perfect breeding ground for the growth of bacteria, ear coning makes sense as a viable treatment for helping and to kick start the natural process of body detoxification for keeping the ears healthy and at the same time promoting improved hearing, smell and mental functions, cleaning and detoxifying the sinuses, and possibly keeping our hearing intact as we age.
Who can benefit from ear coning?
Ear coning is a perfectly safe method to use on anyone from the young to the elderly. Children who seem particularly prone to ear infections benefit from one or two sessions. Likewise the elderly, and especially people who wear HEARING AIDS, EAR PLUGS OR EAR BUDS which promote excess earwax build-up, also greatly benefit. Because ear coning helps to remove Candida/yeast & bacteria, if one makes the necessary changes to their diet, symptoms of this condition can be alleviated. Anyone whose job/work puts extra strain or wear & tear on their ears..... Cell phone users, or an occupation where you are on the phone throughout the day, musicians, airline pilots, flight attendants, swimmers, divers, surfers, construction workers and those who work with loud machinery or excessive dust and debris will likely feel tremendous relief in their ears.
An Ear coning treatment given to a person who has stuffed up sinuses due to hayfever and allergies of all kinds helps reduce the pressure in the head and relieve congestion.
This treatment is very effective to have done before a flight to help reduce pressure, pain and plugged ears caused by elevation when flying.
How often can ear coning be done?
Ear coning can be done on a monthly or semi-annual basis especially when one wears hearing aids, ear plugs, ear buds & substantial use of cell phones or anytime you are experiencing symptoms of itchy ears, popping/crackling, ringing in the ear or tinnitus, dizziness or vertigo, hearing loss due to congestion, feeling plugged or water in the ear.
It should be stressed that even though ear coning is a relatively simple process, it should NEVER done alone and is safest done by someone who has been trained in the technique.
Is there anything else? Most of the information discussed the tangible, physical benefits of ear coning. it may be worth noting that ear coning also works, in a very subtle way, on an energetic and spiritual level. Because the area between the fifth and sixth chakras (throat and third eye) have been cleared, some people have reported being aware of more heightened sensitivities in the area of psychic perception. Obviously there is no “hard evidence” to substantiate this occurrence, everybody’s body is different, and everyone has their own experience.
In any event it must be remembered that ear coning is not a panacea for everything that ails. It is a remedy that is pleasant and relaxing experience and can assist in keeping your “temple” healthy and in balance. As with all treatments if after a reasonable length of time your condition has not improved, you should always consult a qualified health professional. |